We bet you have a lot of questions about your first family fishing trip. No worries. The next time you go fishing with the kids, you’ll be well prepared. Read on to learn all you need to know about fishing for kids: how to choose the right trip, how to prep your kids for their first time fishing, what fish to catch, and what to look for in a boat.

Before You Go Fishing with Kids…
The first thing you should understand about your first family trip is that no matter how well you prepare, its success depends on a lot of things.
What do I mean by this?
Well, no kid is the same. Some kids like the outdoors, some kids don’t.
Some kids spend the whole trip side by side with the captain, observing all the colors, sounds, and smells. Some kids stay in the cabin, playing with their phone, rarely noticing the fish. Some kids catch and release the fish like professionals.
So, if you want to avoid tantrums and enjoy the trip, start with the kids. Family fishing trips are about them first, and only then about you. More so if you’re fishing with up-to-ten-year-olds.
This seems obvious, so you might wonder why I’m bringing this up.
Because you never know how your kid might react to the whole experience.
So, just be patient and make sure they understand what’s going on.
Remember, the first fishing trip can shape how your youngsters feel about fishing for many years to come.
…Go Fishing on Your Own
Kids will feel safer if they see that you’re comfortable with fishing.
Depending on what trip you want, I suggest you either check out the fishing spot you plan to fish with them, or go fishing with the captain, once you choose a charter you like.
That will let you not only feel more comfortable when your kids are around, but you will:
Be familiar with the spot/boat/type of fish/water/boat stability.
Get ideas about what you might need to pack.
Have an idea of what your kids may want to ask.
Get to know the captain and talk to them about your next trip.
Remember, captains spend most of their time on the water. If anyone knows how fishing functions, it’s them. So feel free to ask them if they take kids onboard, explain how outdoorsy your kids are, what fish it might be best to target first, what technique to use, what to bring. Most captains love fishing with kids because they are curious and will listen, once you explain to them how things work.
The same goes if you want to fish from dry land – meet other anglers who fish in the area and talk to them. They can help you out with choosing the best bait and spot.
Have the “Talk”
Before your next family fishing trip, you should talk to your kids about fishing.
Either watch some TV shows on fishing or google fishing videos together. Educate them on what types of fish you can catch in the place where you plan to go. Just don’t start with Billfish or Sharks!
Take the time to tell your kids what’s going on. Explain the basic concepts, such as ‘bait’, ‘lure’, and ‘rod’, but keep it simple and interesting. Tell them how fishing works and that it’s fine if they lose the fish, some bait, or lures. You can either draw something on a piece of paper (and unleash your inner artist!), or get them some toys to play with. I spent hours as a kid with a set of “Let’s Go Fishin” – so you might want to use something similar, too.
One important thing here: if you’ve found the right captain, tell your kids about them: what’s their name, what kind of boat do they have, what’s their favorite fish. The idea is to make your kids familiar with the captain so that they feel free to ask questions, learn, and have fun.

Similarly to the types of fishing, you should choose a fishing technique that’s suitable for kids. The safest way to do it is to talk to the captain and let them advise you. Most probably, you will be fishing with light tackle or bottom fishing. This will let you target smaller fish, which is perfect for kids. Plus, most of these fish are super tasty!
Of course, it depends how involved your kids will be. You and the captain can fix the bait and help the kid reel in the fish, then take some good photos of your kid with their first catch. This depends on how old your child is.
Young kids, between 5 and 12 might not care that much about the proper technique or the right moves. It is your duty to teach them how to do it, with support and understanding. As I’ve said, some kids maybe just want to have a fun afternoon, while others want to be a captain one day! When you understand this, it will be a lot easier to give them an enjoyable fishing trip.